St Andrew Cransley

St Andrew in Cransley is a beautiful Grade I listed church standing in the picturesque Northamptonshire countryside. It is the parish church for Cransley and the neighbouring village of Mawsley and it is steeped in a rich history stretching back to at least 1226.
It holds a special place in the hearts of any who have visited and worshiped here and even has unique links to America. It has also hosted BBC broadcasts which have been heard worldwide.
During the Second World War the American armed forces stationed in Northamptonshire used the church for their own special services. In recognition of the special relationship that developed during this time, the US Troops gifted the 'fine modern window, facing towards America' which sits in the tower.
Today the church holds regular services on the third Sunday of every month, and comes alive for festivals and holidays.

Andy's Cafe
On the third Saturday of every month Andy's Cafe is open at the Village Hall.
Join us for toast, tea, coffee and company.
Bell Ringing
A friendly band of local bell ringers meet at Cransley every Tuesday at 7pm.
Beginners welcome - come and give it a try!​